Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Merchants of cool marketing to youth

Movie directors pushing the pushing the envolpe and puuting new stuff on film.
Alot of markets will market sex to attracted teens.

How to sell something.
Find what is cool take that and promote it with the thing you are trying to sell.


Where are the adults? youth marketers diminish the presence of adults in youth market today.

The adults are at work or just not around for ther children. They also sont care about what there kids really do. they have a very easy going teen life. Money comeing from there parents or a easy part time job witch the just go to make enough money to spend for a night.

What is this doing to our teens.

This is making our teens very lazy and not respectful or responable at all. They dont wanna work or go to school because they are so use to there parents helping them along the way and then when some thing a little more challanging in life like there job or school comes along they dont know how to handle it so they try to get mom or dad to come to help them out.

A 13 year old that looks 17 years old. Comment on the reducing of standards in our society.

The standards are unchangable you can not talk a girl that whats to look prettyer or better that she cant look older. The girls or boys all want to look older act older and do what the older people are doing. Todays inpression of cool is a way of most parents would never want there children to grow up like. and thats how every one wantts to be so there parents not letting them dress or act the way all the cool people are. they will fight with there parents and start to be disrespectful to them just causeing problems. in to days world i think there is no way to change this todays world is all about money and no companys are going to stop promating cool because kids and parents are fighting.

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