Wanted to become a weather man
had a business with his father just doing random jobs.
Worked at credit union as a teller.
Be nice to every one in high school because you never know who you will run in to in the future.
Jack Nicklaus "the golden bear"
Ranked #1 golfer from 1968 to 77.What is goal setting iamagining what we want to happen from start to finish, and writing down the steps along the way.
Rule 72- 72 divided by intrest rate =#years to double your money
Time can work for you or against you.
the key to getting ahead i to start ASAP
1 month goal- Have $1500 in my saveings not spending money
6 month goal- $5000
Physical Activity Goal-
1 month goal- Build 10 pounds in muscle
6 month goal- Have way better muscle defination
Relationship Goal-
Have a solid relatioship and have a great friends
Educational dreams
have tickits in air counditioning and in baking.
Own a house have a nice duramax.